our story...

Alignment 8 is mission of equitable and sustainable wellness that is Sacred and authentic to all those we work with, alongside and for. This is a mission of peaceful possibility and practices that transpired through great pain, trauma, loss and the choosing to heal.

In 2014, husband and wife duo James & Keri were newly weds and newly navigating life after the tragic and traumatic loss of Keri's parents and all that grief and trauma bring. They knew that needed changed and followed the inner promptings of their body and listened to their intuitive compass, which eventually led them to Midland, MI. This leap would be one of many that continue to shape their story and showcase their strengths, service and support within themselves and all the ways they are in relationship with the world.

In March of 2015, Keri and James become owners of this studio, brand and mission and took the bones of what was already there and began to breathe life into this sanctuary and structure. As life went into this space, life also was received within their body and being - gifting them the grace of their own healing as they reflected that essence back into their students, clients and offerings. Turning hopelessness in to hope and great sadness into such joy.

Prior to COVID-19, Alignment 8 was a humble and hopeful studio. Housing workouts, practices, as well as a beacon for belonging and community for so many people. For a little over 5 years, Keri and James had the privilege and joy of taking care of this transformational space and evolving with it's magick, message and mission both in and out of their studio's doors.

And then March of 2020 happened and they knew they had to allow, adjust and even let go... operating virtually and solely on donations for a little over a year and extending as much support as they could outward into their community, there was a sense and knowing that this way of service could not be sustained. With great difficulty and discernment, they knew it was time to let go of this space and focus on new ways of forging forward in the beginning months of 2021.

Death and disappointment are two crucial elements in the making of this mission and story and these forces continue to be felt in the flux and formation of their work and service in the world. They know that nothing is singular and nothing is guaranteed. All we have is now and in this now they are dreaming and disciplined in doing all they can to be of support and service to the whole of who we are and the whole of who we are to one another.

Alignment 8 stands for whole health and resilience; aligned fully to the 8 limbs of yoga that gift us the frameworks to be free & just within ourselves and throughout all of our world. In August of 2021, they proudly began partnering with Creative 360 of Midland, MI and stand in solidarity of their mission of creating environments that allow people of all ages and abilities to experience the creative process and to enhance physical, mental and spiritual wellness through the arts and humanities.

They are two people who believe in the goodness of our planet, our people, our peace and are aligned and committed to doing all that is within their realm and reach to share in on the resources, the remedies and the reclamation of what is needed so all beings everywhere will be well, happy, healthy and so very free.

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